Cicada Name and Logo
The team at Cicada Exchange sometimes get the question about our name and logo. Why did we choose this name for the company, and what does it symbolise?
The short answer is that Cicada Exchange has got its name (and logo) from the fascinating superfamily of insects by the same name.
But why did we choose to name our company after an insect?
It is as much about history, symbolism, and resilience as anything else.
You find references to the Cicada in literature since the time of Homer's Iliad, and as motifs in art from the Chinese Shang dynasty.
In the Eastern tradition, Cicadas are seen as spirit guides who aid in the development, recognition, and emergence of the self throughout the various phases of the life cycle. They have a long and transformative life cycle themselves, which is why they are associated with the past and present, metamorphosis, reincarnation, and change.
Around the world Cicadas have also been used in myth and folklore as symbols of carefree wandering and immortality and as an equivalent to the Western ‘Phoenix rising from the ashes’ in Far Eastern and American mythology.
You may not know it but Cicadas have a life cycle that links to prime numbers, one genus emerges every year, another every 3 years and so on. This month, the month of May 2021 is special as the genus that lives in a 17 year cycle emerges. You can see in the link below how “Trillions of ‘Brood X’ Cicadas are about to emerge across the U.S.”
The team at Cicada Exchange are likewise very much focused on contributing to the telecom world in this time of resilience, renewal, and transformation.
Stay Safe!