Multi-Territory RFQ’s
We recently launched the ‘Multi-Territory’ option on the Exchange.
This option enables Members who are trading on behalf of more that one operator to place RFQs into a country where they are including more than one HPMN in the deal.
We recently launched the ‘Multi-Territory’ option on the Exchange.
This option enables Members who are trading on behalf of more than one operator to place RFQs into a country where they are including traffic from more than one HPMN in the deal.
When posting an RFQ, the ‘Tick Box’ will only be visible to Members who are configured as a ‘Group’.
When posted, the ‘Live’ RFQ will be marked as ‘Yes’ under the ‘Multi’ column on the Exchange dashboard so that it is clear to other Members that this is an RFQ which includes traffic coming from multiple territories (countries).
If an operator trades this RFQ, then the resulting contractual document (Trade Annex) will clearly state name and TADIG codes of the additional operators included in this deal.
About the Cicada name and logo
The team at Cicada Exchange sometimes get the question about our name and logo. Why did we choose this name for the company, and what does it symbolise?
The short answer is that Cicada Exchange has got its name (and logo) from the fascinating superfamily of insects by the same name.
But why did we choose to name our company after an insect?
Read more about this and about the Trillions of 'Brood X' Cicadas that are about to emerge on:
Cicada Exchange exhibiting at WAS#13
Cicada Exchange at WAS#13
Cicada Exchange will attend WAS#13 as a Featured Exhibitor.
Event Details:
Start: Tuesday 16 March 2021
End: Thursday 18 March 2021
Venue: 24-hour Virtual Event
We are looking forward to meeting you there.
Policy Tracker reports on Cicada enabling 5G capacity trading
Policy Tracker’s Manuel R. Marti publishes article about how Cicada Exchange could also work for 5G spectrum sharing
“A recently launched online trading platform for mobile roaming contracts that works like a commodity market may in the longer term incentivise spectrum trading and sharing, including providing a new way for 5G verticals to access spectrum.”
Link to the article:
New Paper on the Need to Reform Wholesale Roaming
A new paper by Tony Shortall looks at the issues causing wholesale roaming markets to perform
poorly leading to regulatory pressure and where possible, regulatory interventions. These problems
in wholesale roaming markets will become more acute in the face of larger volumes and new
services promised with 5G deployments. The paper shows how the evidence suggests that
anonymous, one-way trading which are normal and essential characteristics or any commodity
exchange can resolve these problems. There are a number of channels that public policy can use to
mandate participation by mobile in such an commodity exchange.
The paper is free to download here
WAS #12 Virtual Event 20-22 October
Cicada Exchange Limited is an exhibitor at the upcoming WAS #12 virtual event.
Feel free to contact us for a meeting or a quick heads up on how we can be of help to your company.
Cicada Exchange Webinar 19. June 2020
We were delighted to see that so many of you were able to take time from your busy Friday afternoon schedule to attend our webinar.
As promised, below you will find links to the slides and video respectively.
You can find the slides here
You can also view the complete Webinar on Youtube by clicking here
Cicada Exchange Launch
The Cicada Exchange platform has been in the making for the last couple of years.
We are however finally ready to introduce this platform to the telecom roaming community, and will do so on the 19th June 2020 when we will host a webinar to present and demo the Cicada Exchange.